Award-winning and critically acclaimed writer W.D. Kilpack III triumphantly returns to epic fantasy
with the New Blood Saga. Rilari is an adventure of swords,
prophecy, politics, and destiny. The future of Mankind relies on the Guardian of Maarihk. Can he and the Knights of Ril
resist forces bent on destroying Mankind's last hope?
In the absence of the Guardian of Maarihk, the Usurper's venom has extended beyond the Gulf of Braag, seeding unrest and hatred for all things. Maarihkish. Natharr and the Knights of Ril must overcome malice and the ramifications of Ellis the Elder's boundless past that even Sight cannot reveal. The Rilari stand alone in a world in turmoil as they discover the tremendous reach of the Usurper's vizier. Even the endowments of the Daemons of Order are unable to withstand the ravages of fighting to survive on Rilari loyalties.
Meanwhile, Nathan and his summoned companion must rely on the teachings of both Natharr and Quiet One to carve out their place in the Maarihk Empire. Skill with a sword is only the beginning of their treacherous path, as fraught with peril as Darshelle's, as she flees the animus of the ancient wood.
"Early on as a kid, I was hooked on sci-fi. Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein were my heroes and I lost hope of finding any other author to assume their reins. But find him I did. W.D. Kilpack III has assumed the crown with a majesty and a flair I had despaired of seeing again." — Mel Calvert, host of The Mel Calvert Show on CBS and co-founder of Author Symposium

"Rilari is a triumph, offering an enthralling adventure filled with courage and the enduring spirit of humanity." —
"If you are tired of reading the same old books that are lackluster and forgettable, then take a chance with Rilari. I promise you that you will not be disappointed!" —

Demon Seed is "thrilling and fast-paced ... [a] brilliant tale where the stakes are as high as ever ... full of twists that will keep you on edge from beginning to end! Demon Seed is an incredibly suspenseful novel ... a wonderful fantasy tale that will keep you hooked!" —
Demon Seed "takes readers on a thrilling journey ... immersing readers in a richly imagined universe where ... Natharr's internal struggles add depth to his journey. Kilpack's prose is evocative and vivid ... the descriptions of the ancient forces and the consequences of their awakening are haunting and thought-provoking. Demon Seed is a must-read!" — Just Pratibha (India)
"I love the values taught in [Demon Seed, such as] loyalty [and] the true meaning of love! Events in the story come to life! Demon Seed is well recommended to lovers of adventure and suspense ... the story will keep [you] till the very end!"

Pale Face is "pretty darned good. I love how [Hector] sees the aliens and the white men in the same light. This is good stuff." — Dave Wolverton
Pale Face is "absolutely fascinating! The book gives whole new meaning to the phrase 'pale face.' Pale Face is, in part, sci-fi. But I found it to be so much more. It's a deep diving character study of Hector that borders on Navajo mysticism. Kilpack's writing style was mesmerizing in the depth to which he presented Hector." — Jeff Bailey, author of Not On My Watch
Pale Face is "a fast-paced combo of sci-fi, intrigue, mysticism, conspiracy thriller, and inevitable romance. The author's writing is addictive and richly layered. Highly recommended!" — Jack King, author of Beyond Blood

Order of Light is "a poignant, sensational, and captivating novel that will take [you] on a turbulent-but-fantastic journey full of ups and downs and shocks!" —
Order of Light "is a fabulous book ... magical and captivating ... I was immersed in the story from the beginning till the end. The characters and the plot were both so well-written that [it] made me feel I was with them. A wonderful novel that I enjoyed 100%. " —
Order of Light is "just as good [as Crown Prince]. Kilpack's amazing ability to storytell makes you want to read one more page, one more chapter. The reader becomes invested in the characters and, thus, the story." — Clairey Reads (Coventry, England)

Crown Prince is "one of the most brilliant fantasy novels that I have ever had the pleasure of reading!" —
"Crown Prince is a well-crafted epic with unique plot mechanisms, well-developed and believable characters, and a world grounded in the visceral and the real. I could not recommend this series any higher!" — Clay Vermulm, Co-Host of Sinister Soup Podcast
Crown Prince is "an absolutely brilliant fantasy read ... [Kilpack created] a master introduction. The plot building was incredible. The journey sucks you in so much that you immediately want to carry on with the series. I'll definitely complete this series." — Twilight Reader (Wales)
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