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The New Blood Saga

The Future of Mankind Relies On the Guardian of Maarihk.

The Story Behind the Story | Reviews | Maps | Samples

  • The Ancient (thuh ang-shunt): ancient champion of the Qaanese and Osyriaansa; considered the most wise.
  • Ancient Wood (ang-shunt wood): primal forest where the first life was created by the Olde Gods, still rife with the powers of creation.
  • Atomies (AT-um-eez): Great Beasts from a tribe of woodfolk created by the Olde Gods, roughly a foot tall, with wings and vibrantly colored hair.
  • Biraald (beer-AULD): powerful nation to the Bohrd of Maarihk, second to Maarihk in power on the continent.
  • Biraaldi (beer-AULD-ee): people from Biraald with very clear Firstblood; master winemakers; most recently at war with Maarihk, despite adherents to the Olde Gods and ancient traditions.
  • Bohrd (board): a.k.a. Bohrd the Radiant; King of the Olde Gods, God of Life and Death, God of Law and Order, God of the Moon and Stars; creator of government, the spear and the bow; father/creator of Kir the Strong, Ril the Bold, and Vald the Chaste. The foundational compass point.
  • Braag (brog): grassy Aa nation on the Kir side of the Gulf of Braag.
  • Braagesi (brog-EE-see): militant people from Braag; master breeders of strong horses.
  • The Cappes (the caps): the second-largest mountain chain on the continent, separating Porliss from Vaale.
  • Daemon of Sight (DEE-mun of site): believed by some to be the reason behind people manifesting Sight, possessing some so strongly that they lose control of their physical selves. See Sight.
  • Demons of Chaos (DEE-muns of KAY-os): race of creatures born of the primal chaos itself; lovers of destruction and bloodshed. Exclamation considered both profane and bad luck.
  • Dragon (DRA-gun): Great Beast of the Air; reptilian creature with leathery wings, claws and fangs, native primarily to arid lands or deep forests.
  • Drah (draw): the first Dragon created by the Olde Gods, King of the Great Beasts of the Air, Regent to the Olde Gods.
  • Erig (AIR-ig): capitol city of Maarihk, home of the King of Maarihk dating back to Maarihk Firstborn.
  • Erigaan Mountains (AIR-ig-on MOUNT-ens): the largest moun-tain chain on the continent, separating Vaale from Maarihk.
  • Firstblood (FURST-blud): physical traits indicating someone has Firstborn lineage, such as significantly greater height, and/or broader shoulders.
  • Firstborn (FURST-born): first race of Mankind, created by the Olde Gods, last of the Great Beasts created.
  • Fordtown (FORD-town): village in Maarihk near the Ancient Wood.
  • Foretelling (FOUR-tell-ing): a prophecy made by someone seized by the Daemon of Sight.
  • Guardian of Maarihk (gard-iun of MARE-ick): ancient post requiring proven Sight, sworn to preserving Maarihk, the birthplace of the Firstborn; since the Aa Conquest, has served as advisor to kings, negotiator to end wars between nations, and the finest trainer of warriors.
  • Hamadryad (HAM-uh-DRY-ad): creation of the New Gods after the Firstborn were created, but before the creation of the Aa.
  • Highmont (HY-mont): village in Maarihk.
  • Horse People (horss pee-pull): the Qaanese.
  • Kings River (kings riv-ur): longest river on the continent, running along the base of the Erigaan Mountains, between Erig and the ancient wood.
  • Kir (keer): a.k.a. Kir the Strong, a.k.a the Wargod, a.k.a. Kirgaa; God of War and Bloodshed, God of Chaos and Change, God of Earth and Flora, God of the Sun; creator of the mace and armor; brother of Ril the Bold and Vald the Chaste. (See Kirgaa.) The compass point where the Sun sets.
  • Kirgaa (keer-GAH): King of the New Gods, God of War, God of Change, God of Nature, father of the New Gods, creator of the Aa.
  • Knight-Marshal (nite-MAR-shull): ancient post once considered nearly equal to the Guardian of Maarihk; commander of a long-vanished order of knights serving the will of Ril, said to have continued fighting for decades following the end of the Aa Conquest.
  • Lion-folk (LY-un folk): Great Beasts from a tribe of woodfolk created by the Olde Gods; upper torso and arms of a man, growing from where the neck would rise from the body of a giant lion.
  • Maarihk (MARE-ick): a.k.a. Maarihk Firstborn; the first of Mankind created by the Olde Gods, the first King of Maarihk. Birthplace of the first Firstborn; greatest, most influential nation in the world.
  • Maarihkish (MARE-ick-ish): people from Maarihk with apparent Firstblood; master tradesmen and river merchants; some adherents to the Olde Gods and ancient traditions.
  • Manticore (MAN-ti-core): Great Beast with the head of a man, the body of a lion, the wings of a bat, and a spiked tail.
  • The Mother (thuh MUH-ther): a.k.a. Mother Sun; Goddess of the Sun, Goddess of Love and Maternity, Matron Goddess of Qaan and Osyraa; creator of The Teachings; New God wife of Kirgaa, mother of The Twins, the rest of the New Gods, and the world itself.
  • Nordaal (nor-doll): nation one the Bohrdich end of a large island across the Long Water from Biraald; homeland of Queen LaNila; believed the last place to find full-blood Firstborn.
  • Olde Blood (OLD blud): see Firstblood.
  • Olde Gods (old gods): Bohrd the Radiant, Kir the Strong, Ril the Bold, and Vald the Chaste. The first Gods, creators of the world and the Great Beasts, including the Firstborn.
  • Olde Tongue (old tung): verbal, visual, and written language created by Ril the Bold for the Firstborn; considered out of fashion if not worse by many Aa; outlawed in some Aa nations.
  • Osyraa (oh-seer-AH): arid, grassy Aa nation on the Kir side of the Gulf of Braag and the nation of Braag.
  • Osyriaansa (oh-see-ree-ON-suh): semi-nomadic people from Osyraa; master horsemen and breeders of fleet, agile horses; master lancers.
  • Porliss (PORE-liss): wet, green nation to the Vald of The Cappes.
  • Porlisians (pore-LEE-zhuns): people from Porliss.
  • The Protector (thuh pro-tech-tur): ancient champion of the Qaanese and Osyriaansa; creator of the lance; considered the most perfect warrior.
  • Qaan (kwan): arid Aa nation on the Kir side of the Gulf of Braag and to the Bohrd from Braag and Osyraa.
  • Qaanese (KWAN-eez): nomadic from Qaan; master horsemen and breeders of fleet, agile horses; master bowyers and archers.
  • Ril (rill): a.k.a. Ril the Bold; God of War and Strategy, God of Wisdom and Art, God of the Sea and Storms; creator of the sword and shield, creator of the Olde Tongue, creator of the Firstborn. The compass point where the Sun rises.
  • Ril's Square (rills skwair): combat area outlined in a square for training in melee and ritual combat.
  • Rilari (ril-ARE-ee): followers of Ril the Bold.
  • Sight (site): ability to Foretell events that have not taken place or took place in the past, a given ability of the Firstborn, although not universally manifested. See Daemon of Sight.
  • Songs of the Tribes (songs of thuh tribes): oral legends and traditions taught though song in Qaan and Osyraa, particularly to children.
  • Taargen (TAR-gun): capitol city of Braag, home of world-renowned Masons Guild.
  • The Teachings (the TEECH-ings): oral legends and traditions taught in Qaan and Osyraa.
  • The Twins (thuh twins): a.k.a. Favored Sons, a.k.a. the Protector and the Ancient; ancient champions of the Qaanese and Osyriaansa; teachers of the Teachings; creators of the Songs of the Tribes; born fully grown at the same moment, but vastly different in age.
  • Throne Rocks (throhn RAHKS): a somewhat rectangular upthrust of stone near Erig, said to have served as the throne for Bohrd, King of the Olde Gods.
  • Vaale (vall): nation to the Vald of Maarihk, between the two largest mountain chains on the continent: The Cappes and the Erigaan Mountains.
  • Vaaleri (vall-AIR-ee): people of Vaale.
  • Vald (valld): a.k.a. Vald the Chaste; God of the Harvest and Fauna, God of Love and Beauty, God of Order and Fertility; creator of the hearth and cook pot, creator of the Great Beasts. The uppermost compass point.
  • Vestaa (vest-uh): nation to the Ril of Maarihk, between the ancient wood and Rild Sea.
  • Vestaans (vest-uns): people of Vestaa, often in small military incursions with Maarihk.
  • Woodfolk (wood-folk): tribes of Great Beasts created by the Olde Gods; intelligent, but with bestial attributes.